Firefighter Fitness and Strength
As part of the selection process for becoming a Wholetime or On-Call firefighter you will be required to undertake the National Firefighter Physical Tests. These are a series of tests that will assess your strength, endurance fitness, manual dexterity, confidence and agility in challenging situations. We have provided a video series that demonstrates what is required for you to successfully complete each test.
To help you prepare for the tests HWFRS has prepared a set of structured fitness plans for you to follow at home or in the gym.

Firefighter Fitness Programme
About the Fitness Programme
The programme has been developed by Crew Commander Danielle Chinn, who has over 20 years’ experience in the fitness industry combined with 15 years as a Firefighter with HWFRS. It is designed to progress new recruits over a four month period to the fitness level required to take on the physically demanding role of a Firefighter.
Each of the PDF documents provided below gives detailed instructions, workout planners and video links to workout demonstrations. The videos can also be viewed on this webpage. Workouts can be done at home, the park or in the gym and there is no requirement to invest in specialist equipment.
Warm and Cool Down
It is essential to warm up prior to any workout to ensure the muscles are warm which will help to prevent injury, and ensure the heart is gradually elevated ready for the work ahead. A cool down routine after your workout will ensure you stretch out the muscles and bring heart rate down safely to relax the body.
Month One
Month Two

Firefighter Fitness Programme Month Two
This next plan has been designed to progress you on from month one, add some more intensity and variation, and take you one step closer to your selection tests.
Month Three

Firefighter Fitness Programme Month Three
This month is going to add in more of our fire kit, running and working out in fire boots makes such a difference to the intensity of a workout, and practicing this will make you better equipped to carry out the requirements of a Firefighter.
Month Four

Firefighter Fitness Programme Month Four
This month is a shorter month and is working out in a makeshift full fire kit, which you will be expected to wear on the day!
It is going to make such a difference to the intensity these final pre-selection test workouts.
National Firefighter Selection Tests
The videos below give an overview of the physical tests you would be required to successfully complete to become a Wholetime or On-Call firefighter. For each test you will be guided by an instructor and also be required to complete the task within a specified time.
Confined Spaces – Recruitment Selection Test
This is a test of confidence, agility and stamina when negotiating confined spaces. You will be required to wear full PPE, including Breathing Apparatus kit and a facemask with obscured vision whilst navigating a confined space rig.
Watch the video opposite for an overview of the Confined Space Test.
Casualty Evacuation – Recruitment Selection Test
This is a test of combined upper and lower body strength with co-ordination. Wearing full PPE, you will be required to manoeuvre a 55kg casualty along a 30-metre course, whilst walking backwards.
The video overview of the Casualty Evacuation test gives more information about the techniques involved.
Equipment Assembly – Recruitment Selection Test
During the equipment assembly test you will be assessed on your manual dexterity and ability to follow step-by-step instructions. Wearing full PPE, you will be required to assemble and disassemble an item of equipment.
The Equipment Assembly video gives a full overview of the requirements of this test.
Equipment Carry – Recruitment Selection Test
This is a test of combined muscular strength, aerobic fitness, co-ordination and stamina. You will be required to carry a number of heavy items of equipment between two cones covering a distance of 25 metres, jogging back to the start after you have placed each item down, all while wearing full PPE.
A demonstration of this test is given in the Equipment Carry Video.
Ladder Extension – Recruitment Selection Test
The ladder extension will test your upper body strength and co-ordination whilst wearing full PPE. You will be required to haul the ladder to the maximum height and lower safely under control using the correct technique.
For a demonstration of this test please watch the Ladder Extension video.
Ladder Climb – Recruitment Selection Test
This is a test of confidence whilst working at height. You must be able to demonstrate a ‘leg lock’ at ground height before ascending a 13.5 metre ladder. The ‘leg lock’ technique must be demonstrated again at the top of the ladder, followed by leaning back with arms outstretched and reading out a symbol on the ground. You will be wearing full PPE and a safety harness during this test.
The Ladder Climb video demonstrates this test.
Ladder Lift – Recruitment Selection Test
The Ladder Lift is another test of combined upper and lower body strength and co-ordination to lift the ladder to the required height and lower it safely under control. The total weight to be lifted is 25kg.
This test is demonstrated in the Ladder Lift video.