Your Right to Know
We are keen to promote transparency on how the Service is run and we encourage public involvement in how we operate. To do this we frequently publish information relating to our policies, procedures and operational data, including information on our finances, assets and structure.

In this section you can find out, among other things, how to make a request for information, how to find out what information the Service holds about you and how to make a complaint or submit a positive comment about how we operate.
Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service collects and maintains information and data to enable us to carry out our statutory duties. A great deal of information on the Service is already available in the public domain through our Publication Scheme. Service staff will help you to obtain the information you want unless a disclosure would be against the law.
You have a right to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. It gives you a general right of access to recorded information held by the Service. The Act is designed to ensure greater accountability, as well as to promote a more open culture. If you want to know what personal information is held about you, you can make a request under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Comments & Complaints


Council Tax

Data Protection



Firefighter Pension Schemes

Freedom of Information

Health & Safety

HMI Reports

Our Performance

Personal Information Request

Privacy Notices


Publications & Documents

Request an Incident Report
