Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms can be lifesavers, if they are working. In fact, you are nine times more likely to die in a fire in the home if you don’t have working smoke alarms. A fire can destroy sentimental and material possessions and have a devastating impact on people.
Most people know that working smoke alarms save lives. They provide the vital early warning that allows for a safe escape. But, despite 95% of homes having at least one working smoke alarm, smoke alarms only alerted householders to just one in every three fires in the home in England.
The most common reason for a smoke alarm failing to activate was because the fire was outside of its range. Follow these smoke alarm tips:
- A single smoke alarm is not enough – install AT LEAST ONE smoke alarm on every level of your home
- The ideal position is on the ceiling, in the middle of a room or on a hallway or landing
- Consider fitting additional alarms in other rooms where there are electrical appliances or near sleeping areas
- Don’t put alarms in or near kitchens and bathrooms where smoke or steam could set them off accidentally – heat alarms can be installed in kitchens instead.
- Standard battery operated smoke alarms are cheapest. The batteries need to be replaced every year.
- 10-year sealed battery smoke alarms cost slightly more but you save the cost of replacing the battery every year.
- Make sure the alarms can be heard from areas where people may fall asleep – make sure you have working smoke alarms in the rooms you use the most.
- Test your smoke alarms EVERY WEEK and replace them every 10 years
For more information about the 10 year battery smoke alarms that we fit please visit: FireHawk smoke, heat and CO alarms (
Hearing Impairment
If an individual has hearing aids which they take out at night resulting in them being unable to hear the smoke alarms; a strobe light and vibrating pad which goes under the pillow can be linked to their alarms. These can also be linked to heat and carbon monoxide alarms.
For more information on Assisted Technology please see our Assisted Technology advice page
If you don’t have working smoke alarms, call us on 0800 0321155 – you may be eligible for the free fitting of smoke alarms.
- Don’t ignore a sounding smoke alarm – even if it isn’t yours.
- If you hear a smoke alarm go off in a neighbour’s property, check it out and call 999 immediately if you suspect a fire. Those vital few seconds could help save a life. DO NOT try and enter the property yourselves if you think there is a fire.
- Get out, stay out and call 999 immediately.
- Look out for your elderly friends, neighbours and relatives
- You can look after your friends, neighbours and relatives by calling 0800 0321155 to arrange a free Home Fire Safety Visit and to ask for fire safety advice.
Further information can be found here Fire Safety for People with Sight, Hearing or Mobility Issues v4.pdf