Juvenile FireSetters Scheme
Take action if you are worried about a child who displays fire-setting behaviour. Fire setting should never be ignored, and our team of Prevention Engagement Officers can help reduce the chance of further firesetting behaviour developing through our education and intervention programmes.
Our Juvenile Firesetters Scheme was introduced to reduce the risk of fire-setting behaviour in our community. The aim is to change the behaviour of young people who engage in antisocial behaviour and fire-setting. It is designed to curb fire-setting behaviour by educating and supporting children and their families.
Our Firesetter Intervention Programme is for children and young people up to the age of 18.
We work with individuals in their home or in thier school. We do not punish children but help them to change their firesetting behaviours.
Our approach is about education and guidance to bring about a change in behaviour; it is not to shock or frighten.
How to make a referral
If you need help, our support is easy and free. Anything you send will be kept confidential and will only be sent to the Prevention Engagement Officers.
If you require further information or would like to make a referral to the team, please contact 0800 032 1155.