The Fire Authority comprises six Councillors appointed by Herefordshire Council and 19 appointed by Worcestershire County Council. As Members of the Fire Authority, Councillors do not represent the individual wards/divisions for which they were elected or even the constituent authorities by whom they were appointed. Instead they have a duty to represent the interests of the community across the two counties of Herefordshire and Worcestershire as a whole.

Members of the public have the right to attend meetings of the Authority and its committees except where confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed and the meeting is therefore held in private. Members of the public also have the right to ask a question, make a statement or present a petition at Full Authority meetings.

Members of the public and the press are entitled to report on any of the Authority’s meetings that are held in public. 

For further details about attending meetings please refer to the relevant documents in the Documents Library (under the “Documents” tab) or email

Full Authority

All Members meet together as the Authority. These meetings are open to the public unless exempt or confidential information is being discussed. Here Members decide the Authority’s overall policies and set the budget each year. The Authority appoints committees to undertake functions on behalf of the Authority and provides the means by which those committees can subsequently be held to account for the decisions they make.

Appointments Committee

The Appointments Committee deals with the appointment of senior staff. This Committee only meets when necessary and because of the personal/confidential nature of the matters being discussed is not usually open to the public.

Audit and Standards Committee

Considers, monitors and reviews the development and operation of the Authority’s risk management in accordance with best practices. Formulates and approves policy documentation in respect of Strategic Risk processes and reviews the effectiveness of their application throughout the Authority.

Hearings Sub Committee

The Sub-Committee considers and determines allegations of breaches of the Member Code of Conduct as referred by the Monitoring Officer.

Policy and Resources Committee

Deals with all matters relating to the development of strategic policy, financial management, assets, staffing and performance. Advises the Authority in relation to the adoption of the Policy Framework.

Pensions Board

The Board is not a decision-making body but it assists the Fire Authority in its role as scheme manager of the Firefighters Pension Schemes (FPS). The Board helps the Authority to secure compliance with FPS legislation and any requirements imposed by the Pensions Regulator. There are currently no Authority Members on the Board as the employer is represented by three Members from the Senior Management Board. Three Fire Service employees who are FPS members represent all members of the FPS. The Pensions Board Members were appointed by the Head of Legal Services in consultation with the Chairman of Policy & Resources Committee on the basis of their knowledge and understanding of pensions law and firefighters pension schemes. The terms of reference for the Pensions Board is located in the Document Library under the “Documents” tab.