Martin Reohorn
Director of Finance
Treasurer (and section 151 officer)

Tell us about your role
As Director of Finance and Treasurer, my main aim is to maintain the financial integrity of the Authority. This involves everything from monitoring expenditure, ensuring that we meet our statutory legal obligations and sustaining an overarching financial view of everything we are doing. As part of my role, I also often liaise with other services across the region and share best practice.
Tell us more about your fire service career
I started working for the emergency services back in 1991 when I joined West Midlands Police and later Surrey Police. During the 12 years that I spent in the Police Force, I was involved in such projects as rationalising Control Rooms and the Airwave radio project, and worked directly for Chief Constables who went on to be the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and the Chief Inspector of Constabulary. Continuing my career in the emergency services sector, I joined HWFRS in July 2003 as Director of Finance.
What makes HWFRS a great place to work?
Like many of the staff at HWFRS, I’m immensely proud to work for such a well-respected, forward thinking organisation. I also work with a fantastic set of people who are continually passionate about what they do and make my job pleasurable.